Do It Yourself Pro Facial with Step By Step Instructions

Pamper yourself with these step by step at home pro facial instructions for how to do facial when you cannot visit your favorite esthetician. My suggestion is you can try to revive and reset your body and mind to get back into the NOW rather than have your head race into the future.

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Acne Rosacea: An Ayurvedic Perspective

Classically Ayurveda does not talk about a particular skin problem or disease. Instead these “problems” are viewed as symptoms of a particular energetic imbalance. In the case of Acne Rosacea it is considered to be a symptom of extra Pitta or fire-like energy that has been allowed to accumulate in the blood.

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How the Sun Damages your Skin

Protection from environmental conditions is necessary to prevent skin irritation, damage, and moisture loss. The sun’s damaging effects include burning, blistering, premature wrinkling, and skin cancer. In the early stage, sun damage manifests itself as subtle surface change, such as dryness, discoloration and scaly spots.

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The Natural Facelift Massage

Ayurveda places a great emphasis on massage as being essential to health and beauty. Everyone is advised to adopt massage as a fundamental part of their daily routine. Just as we eat and sleep every day we should do a daily massage. Facial massage is one of the most important elements of facial rejuvenation. A facial massage is like ironing with your fingers.

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Tips for Summer Season

According to ayurveda, the qualities of summer are hot, sharp, and penetrating. That’s why our pitta dosha—the subtle energy that controls metabolism and can cause us to overheat—tends to flare up when the temperatures rise. Pitta-related imbalances include sunburn, hot flashes, exhaustion, acne, and diarrhea.

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What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, which literally means the knowledge and wisdom of life, often called the mother of all healings. Ayurveda, the original holistic system of health and rejuvenation, originated 10,000 years ago in the ancient Sanskrit Vedas of India, and is still practiced there today.

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Skin Damaging Toxins

A toxin is a general term for a substance or chemical the body has no positive use for. They can be introduced to the body through our own actions, or imposed on us by our environments. Damaging forces like UV rays and pollution are part of our environment and while we can minimise our exposure to them – they are incredibly difficult to avoid all together.

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Good Sleep, Good Skin

Working hard all day? Want to party all night? Not the best idea for your skin. Studies show that a good night’s sleep will make your skin look younger and fresher. Good sleep, good skin!

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Tips for Fall Season

As the air dries and become cooler in the autumn, our system dries as well and we may experience anxiety, insomnia, constipation, dry skin and cracking joints. No matter where you live the coming of autumn brings with it many changes. Some are changes in the weather.

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