Typically you will pay about $165-185 + tax for the set of products you initially take home. Most of the products last you quite a long time. The real active ones are purposefully put in smaller containers as these will be strengthened at different points in your treatment plan. First visit usually is treatment and consultation, which is what most people do, you pay $125. The next treatment is 30 minutes cost is $80. It typically takes about six treatments over a 3-month period of time to see results.
• I consult with you regarding your experience and your prior treatments • analyze your acne • give you useful information regarding products, lifestyle, diet, medications etc., • take some preliminary pictures, • test your skin for sensitivities, • make product recommendations and show you exactly how to use the products • Treatment, which includes exfoliation and extractions
I will either do an enzyme hydrating treatment with steam or very mild chemical peel on your skin, and extraction. Neither of these are uncomfortable or will make your skin visibly peel or there might be very mild peeling.
Most people are quite red from getting extractions – there’s no way around it. So, you really need to plan ahead and make sure you do not have a special event within 24 hours of getting a treatment
CALL ME +1.408.759.1030
10 Jackson Street, Suite 110C, Los Gatos CA-95030
Service by appointment
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